Toddler Program
15 months through 36 months
5 days a week with half day or full day options
Daily Schedule
8:15 Class begins. Staff member greets children from 8:15-8:30
8:15 – 11:00 Play in the Montessori environment
10:30 - Communal snack served
11:00 - 11:50 Outside time (rain or shine)
12:05 - 12:30 Lunch for All children
12:00 - Half Day Dismissal
12:30 - 2:45 Nap time for Full Day children
3:00 Full Day dismissal
An Environment for Discovery and Growth
The toddler community at SunGarden Montessori is comprised of twelve children ages 15 months (and confidently walking) to 36 months. With one adult for every four children, our staff creates a safe and nurturing environment that supports and stimulates children as they learn and grow. Children often stay for two years in the Rose Room, giving their relationships with friends and adults time to develop before transitioning into the Children's House.
The toddler team partners closely with parents to help guide the establishment of autonomy, separation, toilet learning, and other experiences that arise during this critical time of life.
SunGarden Offers The Following Schedules:
Half Day (8:15-12:30) The educational program includes practical life skills, experiences in art exploration, and sensorimotor and language development activities. Children can gather in larger groups for songs and games, and enjoy a daily healthy snack. They receive support with toileting. The children are given plenty of time to freely choose the age-appropriate activities available on the shelves of the classroom and enjoy outside time in our toddler garden.
Full Day (8:15-3:00) Children in Full Day come together for a community lunch, followed by nap time. When the children wake up, they are free to work and play.